Source code for pyhml.models.typing

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from __future__ import absolute_import
from pyhml.models.allele_assignment import AlleleAssignment
from pyhml.models.consensus import Consensus
from pyhml.models.typing_method import TypingMethod
from .base_model_ import Model
from datetime import date, datetime
from typing import List, Dict
from ..util import deserialize_model
from Bio.SeqFeature import SeqFeature, FeatureLocation, ExactPosition
from Bio.Seq import Seq
from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
from collections import OrderedDict
from Bio.Alphabet import IUPAC

[docs]class Typing(Model): """ NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually. """ def __init__(self, date: str=None, gene_family: str=None, allele_assignment: List[AlleleAssignment]=None, consensus_sequence: List[Consensus]=None, typing_method: TypingMethod=None): """ Typing - a model defined in Swagger :param date: The date of this Typing. :type date: str :param gene_family: The gene_family of this Typing. :type gene_family: str :param allele_assignment: The allele_assignment of this Typing. :type allele_assignment: List[AlleleAssignment] :param consensus_sequence: The consensus_sequence of this Typing. :type consensus_sequence: List[Consensus] :param typing_method: The typing_method of this Typing. :type typing_method: TypingMethod """ self.swagger_types = { 'date': str, 'gene_family': str, 'allele_assignment': List[AlleleAssignment], 'consensus_sequence': List[Consensus], 'typing_method': TypingMethod, 'seq_records': List[SeqRecord] } self.attribute_map = { 'date': 'date', 'gene_family': 'gene_family', 'allele_assignment': 'allele_assignment', 'consensus_sequence': 'consensus_sequence', 'typing_method': 'typing_method', 'seq_records': 'seq_records' } self._date = date self._gene_family = gene_family self._allele_assignment = allele_assignment self._consensus_sequence = consensus_sequence self._typing_method = typing_method self._seq_records = []
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, dikt) -> 'Typing': """ Returns the dict as a model :param dikt: A dict. :type: dict :return: The Typing of this Typing. :rtype: Typing """ return deserialize_model(dikt, cls)
@property def date(self) -> str: """ Gets the date of this Typing. :return: The date of this Typing. :rtype: str """ return self._date @date.setter def date(self, date: str): """ Sets the date of this Typing. :param date: The date of this Typing. :type date: str """ self._date = date @property def gene_family(self) -> str: """ Gets the gene_family of this Typing. :return: The gene_family of this Typing. :rtype: str """ return self._gene_family @gene_family.setter def gene_family(self, gene_family: str): """ Sets the gene_family of this Typing. :param gene_family: The gene_family of this Typing. :type gene_family: str """ self._gene_family = gene_family @property def allele_assignment(self) -> List[AlleleAssignment]: """ Gets the allele_assignment of this Typing. :return: The allele_assignment of this Typing. :rtype: List[AlleleAssignment] """ return self._allele_assignment @allele_assignment.setter def allele_assignment(self, allele_assignment: List[AlleleAssignment]): """ Sets the allele_assignment of this Typing. :param allele_assignment: The allele_assignment of this Typing. :type allele_assignment: List[AlleleAssignment] """ self._allele_assignment = allele_assignment @property def consensus_sequence(self) -> List[Consensus]: """ Gets the consensus_sequence of this Typing. :return: The consensus_sequence of this Typing. :rtype: List[Consensus] """ return self._consensus_sequence @consensus_sequence.setter def consensus_sequence(self, consensus_sequence: List[Consensus]): """ Sets the consensus_sequence of this Typing. :param consensus_sequence: The consensus_sequence of this Typing. :type consensus_sequence: List[Consensus] """ self._consensus_sequence = consensus_sequence @property def typing_method(self) -> TypingMethod: """ Gets the typing_method of this Typing. :return: The typing_method of this Typing. :rtype: TypingMethod """ return self._typing_method @typing_method.setter def typing_method(self, typing_method: TypingMethod): """ Sets the typing_method of this Typing. :param typing_method: The typing_method of this Typing. :type typing_method: TypingMethod """ self._typing_method = typing_method @property def seq_records(self) -> List[SeqRecord]: """ Gets the seq_records of this ReferenceData. :return: The seq_records of this ReferenceData. :rtype: List[SeqRecord] """ return self._seq_records
[docs] def create_seqrecord(self, subid): als = self.allele_assignment con = self.consensus_sequence loc = '' if als[0].glstring: loc = als[0].glstring[0].split("*")[0] elif als[0].haploid: loc = als[0].haploid[0].locus dbversion = [] glstrings = [] for i in range(0, len(als)): if als[i].allele_version not in dbversion: dbversion.append(als[i].allele_version) for glstring in als[i].glstring: glstrings.append(glstring) gl = '|'.join(glstrings) des = '|'.join(dbversion) n = 0 seq_records = [] for cons in con: for cb in cons.consensus_sequence_block: rsid = 'X' + loc + "_" + str(n) seq_record = SeqRecord(id=rsid, name=gl, seq=cb.sequence, description=des) sf = SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(0, len(str(seq_record.seq))), type="source", strand=1) seq_record.features.append(sf) seq_record.annotations["sequence_version"] = 1 seq_record.annotations["molecule_type"] = "DNA" seq_record.annotations["data_file_division"] = "HUM" seq_record.features[0].qualifiers = OrderedDict([('organism', ['Homo sapiens']), ('mol_type', ['genomic DNA']), ('db_xref', ['taxon:9606'])]) seq_records.append(seq_record) n += 1 self._seq_records = seq_records return [loc, seq_records]